Members of SKG3 attended the Honiton Wargames Club on October 7, staging an impressive French Revolutionary game involving over four hundred miniatures. See our SKG3wargames blog for more information and photos.
Would like to thank Wayne and Jo Mitchell for the enjoyable social held at their home in East Devon on October 8. You can't beat a 'real fire', with good company.
This is the occasional buletin for members and friends of SKG3. Our group was formed in the West Country in 1993 to promote interest in the late 18th century, and in particular the lives of two Devonshire heroes John Graves Simcoe and Sir Edward Pellew.
SKG3 has staged living history displays for English Heritage, the National Trust, the National Army Museum, and numerous regional museums and open-air events. We have been commissioned to provide film footage for five TV documentaries in addition to research material used in published works, numerous magazine articles, and archaeological reports. Our Society is proud to have been requested to furnish speakers for several prestigious institutions.
For more up to date information, photos etc, we suggest you visit some of our reenactment blogs listed with links on this page or our (UK viewing only) Facebook page.
Enjoyed the wargame, hopefully post some photos shortly, once I can work out how it is done! - Andy